Friday, June 1, 2012

Equator Estates

June 1, 2012

Number 1

What a busy evening for ghost stories. I had a regular tour group, but they were full of great stories.

A mother and daughter joined me this evening. The mother said that while her father was growing up in Equator in the 1950s, he and some friends visited a big fancy estate in the country. The house was built in the 17th century. The estate one of many granted by the Spanish government in the 16th century. Her father and his friends were teen-agers and they were taking a tour, visiting one of these estates then bicycling to another.

One of their friends went on his own. He was on his bicycle and got lost. A man was walking ahead of him, so he cycled up to the man and asked for directions. The man gave him detailed instructions on how to get there and soon the young man arrived at the estate. His friends were waiting on him and when he arrived they all took a tour of the house. Above the mantle in the library was a beautiful painting of the man he had asked directions from on the road, right down to the clothing. The owner shook his head, no way, that was one of the old owners, dead for at least fifty years.

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