Sunday, March 11, 2012

Got your camera?

Last night was the St. Joseph's Day parade, so hats off to all the Italian's out parading last night. I don't think our visitor's knew quite what to expect.

I had a couple from Pennsylvania last night who's stayed at Gettysburg in a very old hotel. During their visit they took a ghost tour and the guide asked about where they were staying. When they told him, he asked what floor they were one. The fifth they told him, why. Oh that is supposed to be the haunted floor, he replied. They thought that all sounded a bit too convenient, so they blew it off. Before they got into bed that night the gentleman took the battery out of the video camera and hooked it up to a charger. They both slept soundly all night. He woke up around six o'clock in the morning, to find the battery already in the camera, ready to go.


  1. Interesting...As an aside, I haven't been to Gettysburg since I was a kid; I need to go back.

  2. Are you the same gentleman who came on my tour? Did I misremember the location? I hate it when I do that. If so let me know I'll be happy to correct it. Otherwise, I hear Gettysburg is awesome--it's on my list.

  3. Hi, on Wed night 2/8/12 we went on the Haunted NOLA tour with you. A photo I took of the LaLaurie House has an oddity in it I want to share with you. How can I send you a link to it? I sent it to the webmaster at NOLA HHT website but heard nothing back. By the way, you made the tour exciting, scarey and fun!

  4. Hi there,

    My boss showed me your photo, but neglected to forward your e-mail address. I'm not really sure what to make of it and I haven't remembered to look at the house when I am there. I will try to do so in the next week, so if you do not hear from me, just send another note. I forget things.

    I have asked my boss to have a closer look at it, as I have no pofessional photography experience.
