Monday, April 16, 2012


This week-end I had a couple on my tour who were from Dallas, but used to live in California. When they were there they lived in a house and had a few strange occurrences. One night the gentlemen had an episode of sleep paralysis and saw a dark figure walking down the hall. His wife saw it, she was terrified and tried and tried to wake him. At the time she didn't realize the state he was in, she was just upset he wasn't helpful.

One year at Christmas, they had the kids' presents packed up and hidden in an upstairs closet. The kids were young, too young to sneak around looking for gifts. On Christmas Eve, the gentleman went upstairs to the closet to get the gifts. It was empty. He thought his wife had done something with the gifts, but she denied it. Years later they still have no idea what happened to them.

After I met this couple I went home and did my taxes. I think the process sucked my memory because I believe they had more stories. But I cannot remember them for the life of me.

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