Saturday, March 3, 2018

Paranormal Runs in Families

Just like other skills, paranormal sensitivity sometimes runs in families. I had a family visiting from L.A. not long ago who had numerous experiences between them. The older sister, standing beside her husband, shared a story from when she was a toddler, 2-3 years old. She and her great-grandmother were very close. Shortly after she passed, she saw her great grandmother one night standing by her bed. She said "grandma, I'm thirsty," so they went to the kitchen. At 2-3 years old she could not reach anything in the kitchen, so her grandmother got her a blue cup from the cabinet, then she opened the refrigerator door and took out a bottle of soda. Her grandmother poured the soda into her cup, returned the bottle to the refrigerator and took her back to her room, placing the blue cup by her bed. Then her grandmother went into her parents room and kissed them, kissed her mother's belly, pregnant with her little brother, returned to her bedroom, kissed her and said good-bye, then dissipated out the window. When she told her parents what had happened, they did not believe her, until they saw the blue cup by her bed.

Her little brother, who'd received the kiss that night, grew up to be a Physical Therapist. He had a co-worker that he knew only in passing. One night her deceased father came to him in a dream and asked him to send a message, just a hello to comfort her and let her know he was okay and thinking of her. Well, her little brother didn't really feel comfortable relaying a message to his co-worker. They weren't especially close and there is no telling what sort of reaction you'll get. He put it off for a few days but finally decided to let her know. She was overwhelmed, the day he'd finally worked up the courage to tell her was the anniversary of her father's death and the birthday of her son. It was just the news that she needed on that day.

The old sister's husband had grown up on a house with a woman, a shadow of a woman that many visitors would see. The family was so accustomed to her presence they had no plans to get rid of her. Although her husband did feel lethargic in his bedroom. There was an inexplicable weight to the room that everyone felt upon entering it. When they were dating the older sister felt unwelcome by the spirit; it seemed the spirit was jealous of her. In time the older sister got fed up with the room, it was messy and she decided to clean it up. Clothing littered the room, so she hung everything up and put in the closet, closing the doors, tidying up the entire room. As soon as the it was clean, the weight in the room was gone. The whole family noticed. Shortly after she and her to be  husband were hanging out in the bedroom, they heard a pounding on the door. Familiar with earthquakes they were locked in place, waiting for the earth to shake. A moment later the closet doors flung open and all the clothing was thrown in to the room as if the closet could projectile vomit.

Years later they tore down the house and rebuilt another house in its place. They spirit didn't seem to be around anymore.

1 comment:

  1. Hello, an amazing Information dude. Thanks for sharing this nice information with us. Chicago Ghost Tour
